Rock River Times article on Matthew Santos

Great article about Matthew written by Jim Hagerty of The Rock River Times...

Some singer/songwriters may need a tune or two to identify with an audience. A few quiet warm-up numbers often soothe the crowd, creating an atmosphere of anticipation as more gripping songs progress.

This formula, while effective much of the time, can also place undue pressure on the artist to ensure he captures his crowd and keeps them interested.

For Matthew Santos, his formula is simple. He walks on stage, picks up his guitar and delivers from the start. Audiences know from the first song, he’s for real and can grab the attention of the most aloof the second he plays his first note.

Santos’ success is certainly not by accident. He started playing piano at age 6 and started playing guitar as a teen. Along the way, he harnessed a talent for visual arts, namely painting.

Before long, Santos found a way to champion the ability to mix the ingenious imagery of visual arts with cutting-edge musical chops. After a stint at Columbia College in Chicago and a huge Youtube following, Santos was on his way to becoming one of Chicago’s premier singer/songwriters.

Click HERE to read more!

1 comment:

  1. i know this is pretty random and like, completely irrelevant to the post but whatever happened to the Genius Lu' series?? I miss em lol


Thanks for the comment - have a nice day !

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