Photos: Lupe Fiasco in the Studio

Bobby Hundreds spent some time with Lupe and his band in the recording studio last night (& took some photos).

Lupe and his band were shacked up in the recording studio late tonight, burning that midnight oil. Working on some new music, but rehearsing for this Thursday’s big show in Chicago.

It’s entitled “REMEMBER TO SMILE: A Retrospective of Lupe,” and it’s basically a one-man show where Lu expounds about politics, religion, and other topics surrounding his life, spliced up with performances of songs he’s never done live before.

He’s bringing back old mixtape tracks, B-sides, and other rarities that explain the rapper’s story from then ’til now. It’s gonna be quite the treat for the dedicated Lupe fan, and for now, this is the first and last time he’s gonna do it.

Click HERE for more!


  1. zomg awesome... sucks to live in melbourne D:

  2. Don't worry guys. I'll be there. I'm going to do the right thing and video tape the event for a documentary. Hopefully it can air on BET later this year or early 2010. Remember to smile. :)

  3. Is that really Spike, or an imposter?

  4. WTF, Spike Lee?!

    Man I wish I could be there. I luv mixtape Lupe

  5. Well, Lupe did say to go and get Spike :)

  6. i went to the link and it said its a one man show so does that mean no opening act? either way this is gonnabe bananas im getting their early to get a front row seat yezzzir!!

  7. one day thats gonna be me and lu in the studio together one day....i wished i live near chicago so i could go and see this i live in memphis tennessee nonthing ever happens down here

  8. ^ keep pushing to live that dream.forward thinking's great,but man it's so lonelyvso it's good to know there's fellow members of ambition industry.

  9. As usual, I won't be able to attend:( So someone had better YouTube that ish!

  10. Yeah!!!.........fnf studios..... now all i need is the address! lol

  11. lol @ the imposters!

    but yessssss. that show sounds TOO dope, like all of Lupe's shows usually are. I'm cosigning with Droolin with this one. Somebody BETTER document that joint, especially with that being a one-man show.

    all lupe for 2 hours??? ahh...wish I were in the 'go.


  12. damn good pictures. Band as in Japanese Cartoon?


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