1. he is still the best MC out there, and yeah he preaches about posotive shit and all..and hates when woman get degraded....well i dnt think that dancer on the stage in that pic is really proving his point,and dnt tell me he didnt ask her to be there..is a part of the show so its almost like he accepts it...still a fan of lupe..but he has changed since food and liqure man...changed allot

  2. It wasn't the first time he performed at a club...when you perform in clubs there'll eventually be some dancers there...that's just how it is.

    I don't see anything wrong with that.

  3. I'm from San Diego and there's ALWAYS dancers at Fluxx. Lupe has changed but a pic is worth 1000 words. "he who is without sin cast the first stone"- Jesus

  4. Lu has always been one not to hide the duality or hypocrisy of himself. I don't see why fans get shocked sometimes. I just hope that he stills donates some money to the clean water crisis after he throws water during IDWCRN. Maybe I should too and adopt a puppy.

  5. As time changes, people change too but Lu's essence is still true. The moment Lu has girls on stage 'poppin their asses' to "Out My mind" would be the day I say that ish got too far but I dont think it has or will get to that point *crossing fingers*.

    But as Sean said that it is not his first time performing at a club where there are dancers. In fact, Lu has performed at places where they are endorsing liquor. The moment he has a Henny bottle in his hand would be the day my heart would break but like I said I dont think that will happen. As someone said before, the man has said before that he is a hypocrisy of himself. We all are really...its all about the essence. Staying true to that is what matters. I dont think Lu's essence has changed.

  6. ^^ Cosign the 2 comments above.

    LOL@ Anon 10:50 thanks for the laugh!

  7. spread the lurrrrrrrve i say! everybody deserves Lupes love & he loves us all.

    & i also love you anons & LoveBooomb & SeanZeRoboooot & his bloooog..................

  8. & loooove Lupes mouth trumpet lol

  9. Lupe did once say all the shows that he does for places he doesn't exactly endorse he gives the money away to charity. And he climed a mountain for water... I think he can throw a few oz.. Plus he doesn't care right now :)

  10. Well we have high expectations on lupe because he is our role model..well..at least for me. Anyway, lu is not like any other typical guys like some of the comments above have mentioned. I mean yeah, man loves woman but i guess lupe is one of those guys who respects woman and dont regard them as sex objects. This picture dont worry me btw, lupe wasnt even bothered with the girl..he was just doing his thing and performing.. that's all. Other typical guys would have girls dancing closer to them...u noe what i mean. love lupe to death. doesnt change anything.

  11. ^Cosign. But honestly, it is a bit annoying that random people come up here and have the nerve to talk down to true Lupe fans. It's that type of bull shit is why fans don't comment as much as they use to on this blog and use 'anonymous' user-names.

  12. Honestly who cares? First things first Lupe doesn't book where he performs, that job is saved for Atlantic and his road manager. Two, if he doesn't perform not only will he lose money, it will be a breach of contract and that will allow Atlantic to do whatever they feel. Third get over it, it's a club, he doesn't own it, nor can he dictate what happens. Life moves on.


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