1. This is so true; they need to eliminate the reason behind Al-Qaeda's flourish... men who are poverty-stricken, uneducated etc are more receptive to the philosophy of Al-Qaeda & their ilk… until this is addressed, the problem will continue. I look forward to the resources remaining from the operation to capture Laden now being diverted to resolving these issues… But what are the chances it’ll just be spent on more bullets...

  2. whether he is truly dead or not remains to be seen. the us government is so f'n corrupted! I wish the powers to be in this world would just hurry the f*ck up and start the new world order. start implanting us with chips. reduce the population. send those who refuse to concentration camps. this world is hell and I'm started to get tired of all the lies, greed, and corruption.

  3. need a hug ? getting a little ahead of yourself there, ^ I'm sure everything will be ok

  4. Maybe the ones at the top pulling the strings, but definitely not the bulk of the ones on the battlefield... kinda like most organisations really...

  5. I have always questioned if Osama ever existed! Yes, we have a face! Yes we have a name, but did this person ever really exist! I still believe that the U.S. created a Muslim-Monster, and injected us with fear. Now, they have to go on to the next step in the plan. I say, STAY TUNED.....

  6. he existed... now he's dead. no need for conspiracy theories because they are irrelevant. 1 bad man gone but there's plenty more, and maybe someone else will replace him. the circle of life

  7. the conspiracy theorists out there are really pathetic. this guy WAS real. he WAS killed. end of story. suspicion occurs when we hear bits and pieces of information about the actions of the Black Ops agencies. the fact is that the populace does not have security clearance because if it was told anything, it would be on twitter and facebook within seconds. the CIA has been turnin the lights out on all kinds of shit for years, every single day, you just dont hear about it. im glad theyre gonna get some recognition for their work. they should release the pictures of Osama wit his wig split and hand out medals. like "watever" said, 1 bad man gone, plenty more still out there. that was one of many bullets that i didnt mind being bought with my tax money.

  8. "whether he is truly dead or not remains to be seen. the us government is so f'n corrupted! I wish the powers to be in this world would just hurry the f*ck up and start the new world order. start implanting us with chips. reduce the population. send those who refuse to concentration camps. this world is hell and I'm started to get tired of all the lies, greed, and corruption."


  9. This is too fishy..Come on people open your eyes, the supposed man behind 9-11 given religious funeral? you think the guy killed thousands of people but you are going to respectively bury him? and I suppose the shot to the head blew his face off to unrecognisable proportions right? ran out of Look-alikes? lol...damn we really are stupid..they killed him ages ago but it didn't suit their agenda at that time.

  10. This at best is an 'Obama Deception 2'. How they bury him at sea ? He was a 'terrorist' , where's the proof that he's now dead?

  11. "America's Most Wanted Man" and he gets buried at sea within 10 hours of being shot. No video, picture or even audio evidence. I call bullshit.

  12. All you people who believe in conspiracies 100% are just as stupid as those that DON'T believe it 100%. Conspiracies are NOT FACT. What if all of these conspiracies are false and made up then what? You've just wasted your entire life believing and preaching something someone made up for lolz. Same goes for those that don't believe it. What if the conspiracies are true? That is why you always have to live with an OPEN MIND. I personally lean more towards conspiracies being fake for the simple reason that it would require TOO MUCH corruption in government for so MANY YEARS in order for it to be true. But I don't rule out that the New World Order, Illuminati, Masons, etc are true because you just never know. Believe in conspiracies if you want just remember its not 100% fact. The only way for that to happen is for them to come out and reveal it THEMSELVES to the world.

  13. I also question whether Osama ever existed also. I truly doubt he had anything to do with 9/11. This is staged to throw people from all the shit that is about to hit the fan.

  14. Jeez..people these days act like "conspiracies! are new...as if "Conspiracies" didn't build Civilizations, go back in history and you will find it littered with "conspiracies", wherever there's power there's people trying to keep it, AND guess What? the masses of old didn't think anything was up either, I guess you can be comforted by the fact that we are just as deluded if not more because those in power now have certain devices that can be used to construe information in their favour. Peace

  15. as obama said, we need trump to get to the real things that matter - did the landing on the moon happen? what went down in roswell? and where are biggie and tupac?

    i'm glad the navy seals and the cia did what they do best.

    peace and much love

  16. lol swimming with the fishes,I don't know what's coming but if the past few months are a hint, It ain't good.

  17. "Jeez..people these days act like "conspiracies! are new...as if "Conspiracies" didn't build Civilizations, go back in history and you will find it littered with "conspiracies", wherever there's power there's people trying to keep it, AND guess What? the masses of old didn't think anything was up either, I guess you can be comforted by the fact that we are just as deluded if not more because those in power now have certain devices that can be used to construe information in their favour. Peace"

    Have you ever given thought about what if you are WRONG? I just hate how people preach shit as if it's 100%fact. What happen to the North American Currency "Amero" that never came to be?

    "Where there's power, there is people that want to keep it." No shit captain obvious. As far as the U.S government goes in order to keep power you would need a lot of people to back you up. Seriously, almost everyone if not all people in office would have to be corrupt for these conspiracies to be true. I just find it funny how there are people saying that every musician, sports star, actor, and any other icon is part of the Illuminati. It baffles me that people think that they are all devil worshipers.

    All I'm trying to say is people need to stop preaching shit as if they are part of it and as if they are in the rooms when the discussions to take over the world are going on. Jeez... Peace

  18. Like with all information not all of it is right, I'm not sure about what people are calling them these days but there are families and groups that have roots back in time and currently have immense power, we can speculate about group symbols and rituals but ultimately its just speculation, but in terms of everyone being involved technically the whole point of a conspiracy is that its concentrated in certain places not everyone needs to be involved, there just needs to be a few people higher up who couldn't care either way and allow the decision makers to have their will that's all, its not a case of whether its 100 percent fact and more like its happened before...most definitely..can it or is happening again and again?..highly likely..Peace.

  19. "I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

  20. Why would you believe in something that you dont have any proof of? Something that you cannt see, or hear, or watch? Thats the problem with America, you guys arent open minded at all. if they provided at least some pics or video evidence or his DNA papers CONFIRMIMG it is him and not just say it, then I'll beleive it.. sure just dump his body in the ocean and not expose him to the world. didnt he have cancer like 10 years ago? im pretty sure his time was up way before yesterday, for all u no he probably died 5 years ago but are making shit up now to compensate for the shit thats happening now. this is a hge cover up for another big and probably BIGGER attack that "al qaida" will plan, bigger than 911... another reason to declare war against all of the middle east... times is rough my people, dont give into the shit cuz someone tells u so.... oh ya we just flew to jupiter!!

  21. How are we meant to independently verify what they are saying?, are we meant to take whatever data they present to us and believe it?, just like with the weapons of mass destruction?...because seriously no outside party can now prove otherwise seeing as they didn't turn the body over to the proper officials and instead dumped it in the sea.

  22. Not to say there's a conspiracy cause some of yall do go crazy with that illuminati shit... but it's kinda ironic that they announced osama and hitlers death both on may 1st..... There have been plenty of conspiracies in our history so to call everyone who believes in them crazy or ridiculous is a little off base... Since the beginning of time people with great power and wealth have conspired against governments and their own natons.... Read a book cause history repeats itself and conspiracies have always existed.

    And yeah it's fishy lol that they dumped him at sea with no physical evidence for us to see. You should never just believe what your government says.

  23. ^totally agree, the government always fed us lies, and they will continue to do so. and history does repeat itself, fist it was a war against communism and now its a war against terror, and once the war against terror is over theres is going to be a war against _____. this whole scenario reminds me of George Orwell's 1984, the party is always at war, whether it be with Eurasia or East Asia.

  24. How was this a religious burial? In Islam, you bury people in the ground. You have a proper funeral. They dumped his body in the sea as if he was Megatron LMFAO. They say the DNA matched. That means they already had his DNA to match it. Why did they throw him away so quickly. I mean if you go out in the jungle to hunt a lion, you dont hunt it and throw it in the sea. You keep something of it as a souvenir LOL. I call BS. Imagine couple months down the line Osama sending in a new video saying "Still Alive Bitches" LOL

  25. LOL i agree, all i heard was that u need to bury them in 10 hours within death or something respcting his religion or the citys rules or laws or what not. wtv, i still think hes been dead for a while now like its been a few years

  26. how can u beleive in god if theres no proof mr conspiracy. also yea they have to be buried within 24 hours according to islam. if they left him in any country that country would become a shrine for terrorists so the sea was the best choice

  27. The point is that we need to focus on what really matters. We waste our time on insignificant matters (like debating on whether or not Osama's death is a conspiracy or not). The War on Terror consumes the U.S. government, yet, they fail to engage in the War on Poverty, the War on Improper Education, etc. Let his death be closure to an era of incompetence (Bush presidency) and to an era of complacency, and let us engage in a new era where we advocate and demand positive change from our political leaders.


  28. Well... Aren't y'all gonna look like fools when Al-Qaeda confirms Osama's death.

    Stop wasting time with conspiracy theories and trying to add glamour to this. There's none to be had.

    Mr Lime.

  29. Complex that comes to simple...

    FOR THE OTHER RIGHTERS: Osama is or was more than a person a simble. If you kill a simble you can kill the ideas behind that simble or make those ideas weak. Thinking of osama´s death is a simple idea the complex idea is: Osama even ever existed? What is the need of the existence of Osama Bin Laden? Than if that is true... comes the rest of the history to tell…

    In you simple statement “(Osama Dead!?! Afghan Operation done now??? Now kill poverty, wack schools, and US imperialism...)" comes lot´s of complex ideas. The complex idea of doing all that is up to the us government, IT´S NOT! THE HUMAN KIND HAS TO TAKE RESABILITIES. It´s almost crazy thinking that we still living in most parts of the world (like here in Brazil), we have billionaires and hunger in one mile distance of each other.
    About the imperialism, in the middle 60´s to middle 80´s we had a dictatorship in Brazil supported by the U.S., in which my parent´s had been persuade and spanked, had to change names (my personal life doesn´t count just a point), the thing is what is involved in the imperialism and the ideologies like Consumption & Waste that comes within. AND MOST IMPORTANT, the people in the world want to take each other responsibility for our acts? Stop thinking simple and doing simple? Have the conscience that we are only one in the world DISPITE EVERITHING?
    These answers are up to each one to decide, BUT I KNOW WHAT I´M DOING WITH MY LIFE.
    Thank you for your music, and we are listening.


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