Video: Wall Street Occupiers read Lupe's "Moneyman"

You might remember that Lupe wrote a little something called "Moneyman" for the Wall Street occupiers. The FiascoStreetTeam comes through with some footage of occupiers reading out the poem on Wall Street in NYC.

Talking about the street team, they also made some shirts to go along with the event. You can check those HERE

More footage below!

Lupe x Immortal Technique

Courtesy of Luella


  1. what a waste of time watching that.

  2. that's intriguing... people young and old coming together reciting that :D

  3. that's intriguing... people young and old coming together reciting that :D

  4. this like loserville usa these baby thighs couldn't hang in newark.

  5. cause you need to respect anyone that says loserville


Thanks for the comment - have a nice day !

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