1. Im So Impressed With This Cover! I Absolutely Love It! Its On Some Next Level Shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So Stoked 4 The Album!

    Toy-T aka Tony Adams


  2. i love the red part that looks like a skull I am hyped!

  3. 3 tracks with Nikki Jean!!!

    But no Crack with Chris Brown? I need that track, really hope it gets released some way.

    1. Im kinda glad Mission & Next & to it are not there cuz thats an extra couple songs we have not heard yet! I guess Deliver is the official first single.

      But MANNN your right where is crack?? I cant wait much longer

    2. I agree, Next to it is nice, but not album worthy and Mission is just an inspiring song on it's own. This looks like some kind of compromise between Lu and Atlantic. He got Nikki on lots of songs but lost Crack and Big K.R.I.T. feature?

    3. A compromise indeed. Hopefully can explain some of this in an interview soon...Lupe must have plans for crack. He seemingly just wants to keep it in his holster for now. And after Lost Generation, lupe and KRIT were a natural match.

      Now if Lupe and Niki Jean can top Haille Selassie, then i'll be amazed.

  4. Lupe is on one! Awesome cover can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. NO CRACK????? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Another lupe track we will never hear!!

  6. Looking real artsy. I'm still not sure what the direction of this album is going in, but looks promising. I just wonder how its changed from Lupe's original concept/direction/idea of what T&Y should be.

    1. And what I mean is, is this still going to be the ratchet rhyming Lupe, because it doesn't look it. It's looking more Robert Glasper Experiment Lu.

    2. Im was wondering about this too.

      I think I remember Lu saying the album was segmentalized with different sounds. Could've been a past album its been so long but I could see this being the case.

      Chopper is gonna go hard. With a name like Chopper it doesn't have a choice

  7. Where the Rick Ross track!?!? I was looking forward to hearing it!!

  8. Chaucer of the airwaves! What I get out of it is that it is layered hence the cover....and also the skull is like a artists signature to me saying I killed it!! Thus his best "body of work"

    1. Different paints and materials showing that it has a range of elements to the album

  9. Hey, everybody! Don't lose hope for Krit or any other artists possibly being on the album. Look at the features for the track Deliver. There are none for it, and we all know Ty $ is on that track. Maybe, just maybe, the dude Big Krit just has yet to be credited for his feature.

  10. Can't wait to hear Mural, heard it was Lupe's best work in a long ass time.

  11. No drizzy law...crack.....old school love.....wtf mann...Ehh atlantic sn there bs...I cant wait til Lu ge out contract

  12. I'm guessing the Rick Ross and KRIT tracks will be on the Lost in the Atlantic mixtape. I like the trackless though! Not too many features which is good, can't wait to cop this! Will be pre-ordering as soon as it's available!

  13. sorry meant to put *tracklist lol

  14. I'm 10x more pumped for this knowing Crack and Next To It are not on it! This is great news. I've hated the vulgar turn in Lupe's lyrics

    1. I agree, except when it's righteous indignation.....(ital) I can't listen if u ain't sayin sh*t!

    2. I agree with you Nolan, to a degree though. I really liked Pu$$y (Rant). From a content and technical standpoint it is a phenomenal rap song. That last verse always gets me hyped.

  15. Conspiracy theory: This album is actually Skulls, at least for the most part. What if, through some Atlantic fuckery, they used the songs from Skulls for TY, and they're making Lupe stick to the title they've been "marketing."

    1. I haven't seen anything from Soundtrakk. Apparently, he is producing the majority of Skulls.

    2. Is there a tracklist with production credits?

  16. It's about damn time, And the Grammy award for best rap album is........LUPE FIASCO FOR TETSUO AND YOUTH!!!!!!!!!

  17. Anybody see where it says at the bottom" alyric on canvas 16"x16' ? I know It has 16 tracks but...

  18. If KRIT was going to pop up on this album my guess would be on the track T.R.O.N. because of the acronym connection, but maybe on Magi too.

  19. I hope he releases CRACK before the album drops !!!


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