Video: Ab-Soul describes "They.Resurrect.Over.New" with Lupe Fiasco as "scientific"!
Ab-Soul sat down with GoodFellaMedia recently and he spoke about working with Lupe. At 4:08, he says that before they laid down any tracks, they agreed that they should do 3 songs with different goals for each. The first song should be a rappity-rap type song (which turned out to be Thorns & Horns), the second song should be a Top 40 smash (which turned out to be World Runners ft Nikki Jean off Soul's "These Days" album), and the last one should be scientific.
Ab-Soul is featured on Tetsuo & Youth on a track called "They.Ressurect.Over.New" also featuring Troi, so it'll be interesting to find out what exactly he means by scientific.
I'm leaning towards T.R.O.N being the "Billboard Top 40" joint out of the 3 because of Troi's voice and the content of World Runners where Lupe raps about Fukushima half-life. Hyped for it either way tho!