In many societies individuals receive new names to redirect their path, strengthen their purpose and sustain their legacy. The time has come for our organization to adopt a new name that honors the communal heartbeat of our board, donors, grantees, community partners and the communities we serve. Our blueprint is inspired by the early philanthropy of Lupe Fiasco and his love for Chicago communities and youth.
With this scaffolding in place and the continued support of Wasalu Muhammad Jaco aka Lupe Fiasco, we move forward to magnify urban realities and affect the lives of youth and communities we serve. We seek to create murals that bring people together to create new images on blank or existing canvases. Adhering to our same mission, we will provide healthy food options in urban communities and passports in young hands that are only familiar with public transportation cards and so much more.
We present M.U.R.A.L (Magnifying Urban Realities and Affecting Lives) formerly known as the Lupe Fiasco Foundation. I encourage you to continue to sketch, paint and grow with us as we turn another page in our philanthropic blueprint.
Ayesha Jaco
Co-Founder/Executive Director
Follow M.U.R.A.L on Social Media
Twitter: @WeAreMURAL
InstaGram: WeAreMURAL
All press inquiries regarding M.U.R.A.L contact:
Briahna Gatlin, Email: Phone: 312-480-8700
Keena Carson, Email: Phone: 773-726-1729
We would like to thank everyone for your unwavering support for our organization. Please join us March 16, 2015 as we will be unveiling our new logo and web design for M.U.R.A.L!
The Board of Directors
i <3 lupe