1. DOPE!!!

    All the snippets have been so dope... the album needs to drop riiiight nooow!!!

  2. lmfao... how he forgot the words?!
    "no positive male role model to play football and build railroad models..."

    this was great. <3 him.

  3. I thought old old old sh!t was switch, failure, or lupe the killa...

  4. He Say She Say is an oldie but a goodie...It was this song that established me as a Lupe fan!! A stream of tears rolled down my face when I first heard this song. And in the midst of my tears I remember gaspin for air saying "Finally a song about that states several perspectives of the impact of fatherlessness in one song".

    But on a lighter note, that is kind of funny that Lupe fucked up the lyrics for a second,lol..He must of been tired. I had always thought he said "build real role models"....I like my version better,lol

  5. yo im not sure if lupe really knows if he likes the army girl record yet, cuz everytime he plays it he doesnt really vibe with it and he wont even let a verse go. eirther that or he is REALLY tryna keep that song under wraps...i guess alot of people would choose the latter...

  6. lol it's just teasing for the second single..

  7. d.swank he did that with shining down so what you said was.....

  8. Jacked from OGhiphop.com... thanks for the links and all the usual etiquette that goes along with posting materials... great show though; Lupe held it down; amazing stage presence.

  9. ^^ yo man..sorry I didn't see it on your site I just took the vid from youtube.

    Link added!

  10. LUPE FIASCO PHOTO'S NOW UP!!! http://tinyurl.com/lbfxe2

    -Ernest Estimé

  11. i got a new song with cudi its a remix though.

  12. i'm going to show you it now. i'm going to give you the link.so you can hear it.


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