1. I don't get it, what is he asking?

  2. ^^what happens after the first album is mixed and mashed?

  3. Release another track and wait for Lasers to drop to make it part of the deluxe edition...

  4. I went back and listened to Heirplanes and forgot how much I like their sound. This CD will be bought Day 1!
    Now, we need some Tour dates!

  5. You send it to me to make sure it sounds right.

  6. Heirplanes sounds so good that is easily a buy that album album.. Speaking of Heirplanes has anyone heard crowd reaction that and solar midnite have a similiar beat pattern

  7. What HAppens is more Grammys for the Chicago Native, More Recognition and the surpassing of jay-z as the best rapper to ever do it. Lupe is way more relevant that Jay-z cant call him H-V- anymore. Lupes versatility just pushes him far past the rest of league. I think wayne was talking about lupe in the tim westwood video. Talking about his live band and people not knowing how to compete with him. Lupe is the only rapper he never ever acknowledges and everyone from the south ricky plies etc rappers of that caliber dont hold a fiddle to wayne so i think he has a silent rift with lupe cause he is scared

  8. then you say on twitter expect a song soon and release it two months later

    then you keep pushing the album back and release it when most hype around it has died down

  9. LOL @ Anon.. thats prolly what will happen. Happens with Lu all the time..

  10. To the 2 dudes above me - thank Lu's label for that

    And about JC, I agree with what that dude previously said, almost sounds the same all the time Lupe probably produces that stuff himself so thats just his sound - love it or hate it, he's definitely doin it better than wayne - b

  11. wayne makes sick rock music with kevin rudolf lmao

  12. Boo new track by me dropping tomorrow. its a good song. its gonna be worth to listen too. peace!

  13. It's released, followed shortly by Album 2.

  14. it'll be DOPE if Japanese Cartoon opens for Lu!


Thanks for the comment - have a nice day !

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