1. ^^ Funny..last time Rhymestyle posted a vid of the guy everyone was up on his dick about it cause they liked it so much..now I post his mixtape and someone's already hating again...

  2. Sean you got the worst ears for music period. done seeing you posting up or promoting so called "rappers" on your blog to get they shine on and 95% is garbage b. shit is softer than a bayb's lotion. Only one good non related music you posted and that was Quest other than that you take an L for all of them. I agree with that boy messi10 saying you fit into the atlantic records A&R mold lol. You need to get schooled on that type of grimy hip hop all over again son.

  3. non-related Lupe music typo.

  4. I don't need to get schooled on that shit cause I don't listen to it. You'll never see me posting that type of music on here.

  5. Lmao at those clowns...

    Dude got nice rhymes and the production is quality... except for all the reused samples....

  6. his song on the dreaming awake was so real as well... except the drums were boring as hell... still love his verses on that track...

  7. Well.. 95% of the stuff I post is Lupe related anyway so...

    ..and I do listen to Krit.

  8. Every other blog posts pac-div, slug, big k.r.i.t and freddie gibbs... I give respect to sean for shining light on some different dudes...
    Anywho I think I first heard about Pac Div back when Sean posted it on the amajanese blog a while ago.
    your a clown...

  9. ^^ that's exactly the point. I don't really post artists on here, besides Lupe, that are already well known...unless it's something I really like. Like the last Kendrick Lamar album for example.

    I like to give people some shine that might don't get it on other blogs.


Thanks for the comment - have a nice day !

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